Sunday, July 10, 2011

been a while

Well, I have not updated for a while.  I dislocated my shoulder running the mill hole a few weeks ago.  It still hurts, but I am paddling again.  I took the outrage out once, a friend's impulse, and my newest acquisition a pyrahna s6 playboat.  I bought Alli a i3 221 as well.  That little s6 is freaking tiny; like 7 feet long.  I surfed it, but every time I pushed the envelope a bit, my shoulder hurt so I gave up.  I got a few good side surfs in on the shop wave.

I will probably leave it as a kayak and play with it this year and convert it to a canoe next, but who knows...

A buddy of mine is looking for a new car, so I will be driving him around tomorrow to find a car.

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